21 Januari 2008

E-Learning Advantages

e-Learning is the perfect complement to a traditional training program. While a company will still have need for personal interaction and mentoring, for most subjects a large amount of the instruction can be effectively put online. e-Learning is the ideal venue to communicate any instructional information, simulate processes, demonstrate proper task performance, train on custom software or equipment, show how to troubleshoot systems, or prepare the learner for classroom training.

Why is e-Learning such a powerful tool? There are a number of reasons. e-Learning lets you:

1. Eliminate wasted time and money.

With traditional training, the more people being trained and the more geographically dispersed they are, the greater the training costs. Often, the money isn’t even spent on the actual training; it goes toward airfare, lodging, meals and refreshments, conference room rental, and the like. With e-Learning, the cost stays the same whether your training 100 people or 1,000 people, and 100% of your training dollar actually goes toward training.

2. Improve Consistency & Effectiveness

When the same training session using the same curriculum is offered on multiple occasions, the delivery will not be consistent. With e-Learning, you can be sure that all of your trainees are getting the same message every time the information is presented. This is helpful in legal situations where you have to prove what concepts were covered in your training.